Our Tools
Our first digital tool release is Magpie Primaries, a reading foundations solution for learners four to eight years old (K-2). Students access instruction through our web app at school, in after-school tutoring programs, and at home to learn from games that were co-created with researchers, product developers, and communities across America.
We utilize Stanford University’s Rapid Online Assessment of Reading to assess learners’ reading proficiency and customize our tools for learners that:
Deliver research-based instruction through joyful games
Deliver research-based, engaging instruction through joyful games crafted by experts in early literacy, learning science and game design.
Are self-directed and individualized
Supplies self-directed and individualized learning, learner-paced with differentiation based on demonstrated mastery. It’s choice, affirmation, and agency that build reader confidence and identity.
Are comprehensive and integrated
Provides a comprehensive, integrated approach to learning that teaches the entire foundational skills sequence on technology, integrating core, intervention and assessment.
In 20+ minute sessions, learners engage year round in developmentally appropriate instructional videos and educational games to address these key subcomponents of Kindergarten literacy:
Phonemic Awareness
The ability to identify and manipulate phonemes, the smallest units of sound in a language
Translating print to speech (decoding), or translating speech to print (encoding)
Word Chaining
Connecting a series of words that each differ by one phoneme (sound) for better understanding
Letter Formation
The ability to form letters of the alphabet correctly and accurately
Sound-Spelling Correspondences
Understanding that every letter corresponds to a specific sound or set of specific sounds
Connecting newly decoded words to their meanings to move toward comprehension
Print Concepts
Knowledge of the function of print, as in reading left to right or uppercase vs. lowercase
High-Frequency Words
Words that most frequently occur in text, many of which are irregular
Meaningful Reading Experiences
Independent reading when texts are at least 80% decodable, and shared reading when learner needs support from the narrator